Friday, June 10, 2016

Day 3: Peak of Swelling?

(June 4th, 2016)

I brushed my teeth today! 

Actually, I stuck the toothbrush between my teeth and brushed the inside of my mouth. Is that terrible? I don't know! So I've already been brushing the outside of my teeth and kind of stretching the rubber bands (opening my teeth) to get at the very edges of my tongue. It made my breath fresher, I'm sure, but I still had that "fuzzy" feeling on all the parts of my teeth that the brush couldn't reach. Yuk. So this morning, without even trying, the toothbrush just kind of slipped right in between my teeth! I freaked out a little at first ("Oh, crap, what did I just do?") but once I relaxed I as able to clean the inside of my mouth and it felt sooooo friggin good. It's a little baby toothbrush, btw. I don't know if that makes it any better. Either way, it's already happened so it's totally happening again.

Day of Boring

I have around 4-6 ounces of liquids every hour or two, I take my meds, and I watch TV. That's about it. The "pain" is more like a consistent swollen feeling where it feels like my cheeks are going to EXPLODE soon. The jaw pain itself is more of a dull pain, if that makes any sense. I got what I thought was an excellent picture of my puffy cheeks, but hubby says that it's just an extra chubby angle. I was too lazy to take any more photos, though, so that's what you get to see.

jaw surgery day 3
"She looks like she has a whole family 
of chipmunks in those cheeks!"

Oh, you know what happened today that's I'm super sad about? I got a new (yes, NEW) cold sore. I got my very first cold sore about two years ago, right in the center of my bottom lip. (I'm pretty sure it's from trying on lip gloss at Sephora. Damn you, Sephora.) Then it came back once when I was stressed. But it came back in the same spot, cuz that's what they do, right? So my feelings about this cold sore were "Well, I hate you, but at least I can hide you with make-up." Today, I found 4 tiny little intro-to-cold-sore bumps on the bottom right side of my bottom lip!!!! AHHHH!!!! I'm so sad. :( Now before you think I'm being silly, realize that cold sores are PERMANENT. This thing will definitely never go away - it will only pop up and surprise me when I most dread its existence. Whereas the swelling and bruising and pain and discomfort of jaw surgery all have a strong likelihood (or at least the possibility) of eventually dissipating, cold sores are forever. Remember that, kiddos. And they suck.

Pain: Varies between 3-5/10. When I'm slow with the ibuprofen, I can feel it. 

Numbness: Um, so I thought I had all of the feeling in my mouth, but that was before I got that toothbrush in there this morning. Apparently, my bottom gums are numb. Like, completely numb. The chin, I can feeeel - it's tingly and weird. But the gums don't register at all. 

Discomfort: Still tired. Still can't focus. General throbbing/dull jaw pain.

(Black items stayed the same as the last post. RED items changed slightly.) 

Jaw surgery day 3, done. 


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