Monday, December 19, 2016

Month 6: Pretty Much Normal Life!

(December 19th, 2016)

Sorry I've been a terrible blogger. I knew this would happen...

Work is stupid busy. And I've added to it by volunteering to do additional activities like competing in the Staff Lip Sync Battle, being a judge at the annual talent show, and participating in Dancing With The Staff. What. Was. I. Thinking. I don't know - mostly I just want to show my kids that I <3 them. Lame. Haha.

As an apology, here's a video of my group's champoinship lip sync performance from last month. Yeah, that's right, we won. (This is obviously our "we're hardcore!" pose. I think we nailed it. :D)

Today's dentist visit: 

My dentist and her assistant (both of whom I really like) kept telling me how different I looked. I don't think I look that different. I was like, "Oh, I don't know... The husband can't really tell, either... And my friends say I look pretty much the same." But they just kept saying it. Apparently, I look very different to them - in a good way? But I guess that's okay. Whatever!

I have never been so excited to get my teeth cleaned before! Jaw surgery and braces definitely make you appreciate a good clean mouth. It's been 7 months since my last cleaning, and the tartar was kind of ridiculous. (I obviously didn't floss right after the surgery, and then I just kind of gave up cuz my teeth already felt fuzzy and gross.) My teeth and brackets are CLEAN again!!! Yay!!! Here's me super happy about it:

Look, no wires!

By the time I left the ortho, though, I was less happy...

Today's orthodontist visit: 

He put ANOTHER rubber band in my mouth. :-/ I now have...

  • regular ligatures on the top, 
  • power chains on the bottom, 
  • an extra pair on power chains connecting my 2-3's on the bottom left where there's a gap, 
  • 3 metal ligatures with hooks, 
  • a rubber band on the right in an inverted V shape, 
  • a rubber band on the left in an super slanted V shape, 
  • and ANOTHER rubber band on the left side going from the top molar to my lower 3. 


Supposedly I might be done with braces in another 4 months or so, but... I'll believe it when I see it. It's pretty terrible in there right now.

*Side note: Either nobody cares that I have braces and ridiculous amounts of rubber bands in my mouth, or people are REALLY nice and don't ever talk about it to my face. I'm thinking it's the former. Cuz high school kids are pretty good about saying whatever's on their minds. Then again, they probably don't want me to fail them...

Here are some old and new pictures:

WEEK 21 (aka 5 MONTHS!)

WEEK 25 (aka 6 MONTHS!)
The swelling has possibly subsided a bit from 3 months.

I am just now realizing that curling my hair might make my face look more plump. Or is it just the angles of the photos? Hmmm...

This video talks about the days and weeks right after jaw surgery.

Pain: 0-2/10 (At this point, only my cheeks hurt - from the surgery scars rubbing against my brackets.)

Numbness: Bottom gums numb on the outside portion. Chin area and right side of jaw very very slightly tingly.

Discomfort: Still hate rubber bands. Still have to wear wax/silicone almost 24/7 on all of my molars.

Weight: Meh, normal now.

(Black items stayed the same as the last post. RED items changed slightly.) 


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