Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Week 5.5: Let's Get Fit Again

(July 11th, 2016)

My Dad; My Walking Buddy

About a week ago I made a pact with my dad that we would each start waking up early to go for walks. Recently, we've both been pretty much sitting around all day. He used to be really active, but with old age and injuries he's been sitting on his butt as much as I have since the surgery. But it's HOT in the summer! So he's been going on 5:00 am 30-minute walks (wtf, 5 in the morning?) while I've been going on 7:30 am 3.5-mile walks. (I tell him I walk every day, but really it's most days cuz damn 7:30 am is still early for me.) Anyway, it's been working out great. I listen to podcasts and wave to people along this awesome "loop."

Isn't that pretty?

What podcasts do I listen to, you ask? Freakonomics Radio, This American Life, and Serial (the first season was A-mazing, the second is so-so). I LOVE it. I feel like I'm learning so much! And the best part is that it's all freeeeeee! Haha. See ya later, Pandora.

Side note: Our entire "loop" (I live inside a loop, like an actual loop that surrounds my neighborhood.) is EXACTLY 5 miles. And half of the loop is exactly 3.5 miles. When I first figured this out with the MapMyRun app, the following conversation occurred:

me: "Honey, isn't it crazy that the loop is exactly 5 miles?! And half of the loop is 3.5 miles?!"

hubby: "Uh, this was a planned community..."

me: "I'm dum." Looking down in shame.

hubby: "Yeah." Pats my head.

And Now... Faster/Hoppier Walking! 

Today, I got the best news from my surgeon! I can start resistance training and jogging!!! Mind you, the oral surgery coordinator had told me that I wouldn't be able to JOG for 6 months after surgery, so this is such an awesome surprise. :D

(I still can't go crazy with HIIT training, spinning, or surfing. I was thinking about boogie boarding this week, but the husband talked me out of it. In my defense, I've boogie boarded plenty and the board has never gotten away from me and banged me in the face before.)

So what did I do this evening? I went for a run! (Okay, a jog. And some walking.)

Before and after. :)

Okay, that's all for now.

Pain: 0-2/10. This is new. I have very little-to-no pain most of the day, but if I eat something especially chewy (certain noodles?) my jaw hurts in very particular spots. I'll show you later this week in the video. I'm still icing most days, but only when there's pain. 

Numbness: Bottom gums numb on the outside portion. Chin area and right side of jaw still tingly/numb, but getting better. 

Discomfort: My cheeks keep getting stuck in the brackets when I talk. Wax/silicone all day every day.

Weight: -4 lbs. AGH I gained a pound!!!

(Black items stayed the same as the last post. RED items changed slightly.) 


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