Thursday, June 16, 2016

Day 12: Second Surgeon's Visit

(June 13th, 2016)

Confirmation (of my theory) 

The ladies at my doctor's office are all so nice! Actually, most everyone's really nice to you right after jaw surgery. :P

They walked me to the "back" of the office and got everything all set up to clean my wounds and brush my teeth. While waiting for the doctor, I heard one assistant say to the other, "No, he didn't put any rubber bands on her because her bite is so good. It's perfect!" So there you go. I was right. And it totally makes sense - the surgeon is given x-rays, CT scans, and molds of teeth to predict what he/she might do during surgery, then the surgeon has 1) his/her plans and 2) a surgery splint to make our jaws perfectly in line and our bites perfect? That is ridiculous. In 2016, this is what I imagine should be happening: We stick our heads into a super-face machine that determines where every bone and tooth and muscle and nerve is, then the machine calculates exactly where our bones need to be cut to perfectly align our jaws, and finally it determines our correct teeth placement before the surgery because everyone's "correct teeth placement" is different. After the orthodontist is given a series of wires to perfect our teeth, we are ready for surgery. The surgeon supervises the surgery while another machine lasers up our jaws and stitches everything up. Right?!?! I think I'm imagining something akin to those medical machines in the movie Elysium (with Matt Damon). Seriously, though, doesn't that seem almost-possible by now?

Sorry - I got off track. So the doctor comes in, checks out my bite and stitches, and tells me:

  • My bite looks great. 
  • My mouth and teeth are really clean. 
  • I still can't chew.
  • I can start stretching my bite/jaws a little bit.
  • I should try to talk normally (instead of closed-teeth, which is more comfortable).
  • I can't jog or do any other bouncy/strenuous activity.
  • I can ride a stationary bike if I want.

Next time I go back, I don't have to go to the back of the office anymore. That's where all the cleaning supplies are set up, which I didn't end up needing. Woo! And still no rubber bands! Double woo!!

Talking to Myself

So I'm driving around after the doctor's visit and I realize that the only way for me to practice talking more (since I talk to basically nobody during the day... sitting at home... by myself) is to talk to myself. Of course I start right then, in the car. I'm getting all mouthy and animated and then my cheek gets stuck in a bracket. Like, reeeeally stuck. :( Since my cheek is all crazy stitched up, it took forever for me to figure out how to un-stick the bracket. And by forever, I mean probably close to a minute. But it hurt. And then it happened again tonight.

So I'm using these again. I like them better than wax cuz they're cheaper, they're more pliable, and they stick better.

Okay, my face today...

I skipped the neck photo today to show
you guys my filler-ed up upper lip.

Pain: 3/10 (That's .5 less!)

Numbness: Same. Gums totally numb. Chin area very stiff/tingly.

Discomfort: I feel okay today... just the general jaw throbbing.

Weight: -4 lbs (That's 1 pound less! But I bet it'll come right back cuz I bought two pints of ice cream today.)

(Black items stayed the same as the last post. RED items changed slightly.) 

Jaw surgery day 12, done. 


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