Saturday, June 18, 2016

Day 13: Eating Out (twice!)

(June 14th, 2016)


Did you know that Soup Plantation is actually called Souplantation? Probably not, because it only exists in Southern California. (Oh yeah, that's where I live btw.) One of my favorite people mentioned once that Souplantation is called Sweet Tomatoes in other parts of the country. I guess it has to do with the term "plantation" and its not-so-awesome connotations? But I don't see how it should be okay here; it's not like there aren't any black people in Southern California. :-/

Anyway, my friend came to visit me today and we went to Souplantation for lunch. What better place to find a mushy soup, right? Alas, totally blended up soups must not be very popular. There were chunks in everything. Haha. But I DID eat and it was delicious. I took a baked potato, smashed it up with sour cream and butter, and put chicken broth in it. Then I did it again cuz it was so tasty. Then I had a root beer float, cuz yum. I don't think I've eaten that much since the surgery! So good. 


Then, another friend came over for dinner and we decided to try soondubu (aka Korean soft tofu soup). I ordered plain white soup with just tofu. (You can get white, mild, medium, medium-spicy, or spicy, but the spicier your soup the redder the soup. Now that I have ceramic braces I don't eat red things  like tomato sauce, red wine, Asian spicy things, curry, or anything else that stains. So sad. Actually, it's my own vanity I guess. I just figure it's pointless for me to pay for ceramic braces and then walk around with yellow/dirty teeth for 2 years.) I stirred an egg into my soup and dipped white rice into it. I felt like a normal person, sitting there gulping down my soup! 

And... my face... 

jaw surgery day 13
That upper lip tho.

Both of my lips are different, actually. My upper lip is a little puffier, while my bottom lip is MUCH smaller. The corners of my bottom lip don't stick out anymore - they've basically disappeared. And the center of my bottom lip is a little smaller as well. With lipstick, my lips "look" is totally different than it used be. It's... uh... cute, I guess. But kinda weird to me.

Pain: 3/10

Numbness: Same. Gums totally numb. Chin area very stiff/tingly.

Discomfort: Somebody said this in a YouTube video and I agree - "It's like you have a headache, but in your jaw. And it doesn't go away." I would add that, when it gets worse, it throbs.

Weight: -4 lbs

(Black items stayed the same as the last post. RED items changed slightly.) 

Jaw surgery day 13, done. 



  1. I'm impressed that you made it out and McGyvered food to make it work. Your lips look really pretty. Totally different, but really pretty too. You got kinda lucky.

    1. Ha, we'll see if the filler-look lasts. I guess it's fine, but I don't love how tiny my bottom lip is now. When I wear red lipstick, my lips aren't "vavoom" they're "cute." Hahahahaha. Yes I'm ridiculous.

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