Friday, June 10, 2016

Day 5: First Day Alone

(June 6th, 2016)

So I've been sleeping pretty well. I usually take my meds around 11:00 pm-midnight, go to sleep, then wake up around 6:00-7:00 am and take more meds. I can definitely feel the difference in my jaw when I'm passed due on my ibuprofen. Normally, it just kind of has this dull pain. But, when I'm a little late on my meds, I feel this throbbing sort of pain. Not awesome but I guess it could be worse.

And, since I'm not taking narcotics anymore, I'm much more alert now. I even have the sustained energy to feed myself! Hahaha. Good thing, cuz the husband went back to work today. My dad was so cute - he came over at 10:00 am to bring me more beef broth and take a walk with me. My walk today was much better than yesterday's - we took more breaks, but I was awake the whole time and we chatted a lot. He kept telling me not to talk, but I couldn't help it. I always have things to say!

I can't wait to go see my surgeon tomorrow morning! I want him to take this bandage off my chin already. So I didn't mess with it, but... Back at the hospital, he'd put this giant piece of tape basically all the way across face. It's like that translucent hospital tape, and he put it on top of the cloth bandage. But he did it super fast, so it was kinda buckle-y. That was Thursday. By Friday, I'd already "fixed" the tape by cutting each buckle and laying the tape flat. Wait, I just reread the part where I wrote, "I didn't mess with it" HAHAHahha. What I meant was, "I didn't rip it off, but..."

Here's my face today. I can't tell if my cheeks are less swollen that yesterday. Maybe. But that bruising is starting to show more.

jaw surgery day 5
That shadow on my chest is actually a bruise.

Pain: 3-5/10

Numbness: Same. Tingly chin; numb lower gums. 

Discomfort: Still tired. Still can't focus. General throbbing/dull jaw pain. (My friend asked about my energy level and I was like, "I don't even have enough energy to do my nails. THAT is how tired I am." Ha.)

Weight: -2 lbs

(Black items stayed the same as the last post. RED items changed slightly.) 

Jaw surgery day 5, done. 


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