Monday, June 27, 2016

Day 21: Three Weeks

(June 22nd, 2016)

A shitload of stuff happened today to make up for yesterday!

But first, an update video! 

Is it weird that my video cover pictures are not screenshots from the videos? I feel like that's some sort of false advertising. Whatevers!

Ortho Visit

It was a pretty quick visit, but the orthodontist changed out my bottom/front ligatures to a power chain. So now I have one long power chain across the top and three separate power chains on the bottom. I imagine he couldn't put in a long one on the bottom, even if he wanted to, cuz my cheeks are all swollen up against my back brackets. (And, man, do they hurt. I can't even spend one minute without the silicone.)

He also said he spoke with my surgeon: "I talked to Dr. Mandel and I asked him why you weren't wearing any rubber bands. He said your bite just came out so perfect you didn't need them!" Sweet.

So, while I'm TOTALLY HAPPY to not be wearing any runner bands for my bite, I think that the fact that I'm not makes some people think I'm basically all better. But my good friends are awesome and caring and know that I'm still slowly recovering.

My Sephora Makeover

Let me just say that I've been putting on makeup since I was 13. And I do a pretty good job of it! However, I can only do a few looks with confidence - a light cat eye, a serious cat eye, and a smokey cat eye. (Notice a pattern here?) So I was really excited for this makeover. As someone who spends a ridiculous amount of money at Sephora (I buy almost all of my makeup and skincare there, easily spending hundreds of dollars twice year when I stock up) I can get makeovers pretty much whenever I want without having to buy anything, but I'm usually just too lazy to schedule an appointment. But not this time! I asked for... a "cut crease" and/or "luminous, summery skin." I told her she could just do ONE of them if she thought it would look weird together. She said it would be fine. And then... she did this to my face...

OMG, isn't that AWEFUL??? I look like a clown. Or hooker. Actually, yeah, I look like a hooker. I kept being like, "wow, that looks crazy, but keep going. I wanna see the end result." It's not like her makeup was a clown mask. Wtf. My friends' responses: "Why are you so shiny?" "Why did she make your eyebrows so thick?" "That eyeliner is nuts." What I couldn't get over was the "cut crease." You see that terrible little shadow above my eye? That's the worst cut crease I've ever seen. Nobody walks around like that! How could she even let me walk out like that? I marched right into a restroom, wiped everything off, and put on some red lipstick. Better, right?

Now I don't know what to do. They have a customer satisfaction survey, but I feel bad saying that she did a terrible job. Especially when I thanked her when she was done, didn't complain, and didn't quite realize how horrendous I looked until I saw myself in a non-Sephora mirror. Maybe I can just upload my pictures so they can see the results for themselves? Or maybe that's what non-Asians think Asians should look like? No way, right? Yuk.

YouTube makeup tutorials, here I come!

Book Club Meeting

We went to Urban Plates (kinda like Tender Greens or Lemonade in concept) and we ordered ahi with squashes, a flatbread pizza, curried veggies over brown rice, mac and cheese, and a giant salad. Things I tried but couldn't/shouldn't really eat: pizza was too chewy, curried veggies were too hard, squashes were way too hard. Things I ate as my meal: ahi and the mac and cheese. Not bad. As long as there's something I can eat, I'm happy. :)

And my THREE WEEK picture:

jaw surgery day 21
Love red lipstick. I redid the whole face once I got home.

So I took a picture from a different angle to really show my swelling and my now-more-emphasized jowl lines. I hope they go away, but I don't think they will. I figure, with the movement of my jaw back into my face, these things might be permanent. Like old-lady face bags. (Sorry, old ladies.) Plus I'm getting pretty old myself, so I feel like I saw it starting already and now it'll just get worse.

Jowl lines taking up residence.

Pain: 2-3/10

Numbness: Bottom gums totally numb. Chin area very stiff/tingly, but the right side and chin more than the left side. 

Discomfort: My cheeks keep getting stuck in the brackets when I talk. Wax/silicone all day every day.

Weight: -4 lbs

(Black items stayed the same as the last post. RED items changed slightly.) 

Jaw surgery day 21, done. 


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