Friday, June 10, 2016

Day 4: Going Outside

(June 5th, 2016)

I went outside today! 

So I've been showering every day, careful to keep my chin bandage kinda-dry, but I haven't put on real clothes until today. Hubby took me on a walk outside in the afternoon. It was pretty good! We have this little lake right next to our house, so there are always lots of ducks and geese to look at and benches to relax on. I started off walking very carefully (really small steps), but I felt pretty energized. I progressed to slightly less small steps, then a little bench break, then more slow walking, then me being so tired that I walked with my eyes closed letting him lead me around by my arm. (I didn't actually tell him my eyes were closed, though - he would have make me sit.) It was like a 20 minute walk. Hahaha. But I'm happy that I got outside and started getting my circulation going a bit.

Oh, on a side note, I can confirm that something about anesthesia makes you constipated. I haven't really been bothered by it (my tummy doesn't hurt and I don't feel full) but I'd like to get things moving pretty soon. I just keep thinking that there's stuff in there wanting to get out. So, starting yesterday, I started taking Colace again. (I took it once a day for a few weeks before the surgery because of the iron pills that my surgeon wanted me to start taking. I was pretty regular before. Iron pills are terrible.) So yesterday I took one Colace. Today, I'm thinking about taking two. Cuz nothing's...uh...happened yet. We'll see how things go.

Green & Brown Soup Gel

My awesome husband made me two kinds of soups so far. Yesterday, he made me a chicken soup with broccolini and squashes (it pureed up green) and today he made me an oxtail soup with carrots and mushrooms (hence the brown puree). They're both pretty tasty - it's weird because they definitely taste meaty but they also just taste like some vegetable-y pureed soup. Anyway, the variety is really nice.

I'm still eating/drinking milk, Soylent, beef broth with Vitamix-destroyed broccolini (he tried to just use the food processor, but then it got stuck in the tube and EXPLODED onto me and the couch and my pillows and I cried a little), baby foods, and now soup gels. (It's only in gel form when you take it out of the fridge.)

Some people have mentioned that, while on their liquid diets, they're always hungry. For whatever reason, that's not the case for me. At least not right now. I get full after a few syringes, and then I force myself to eat more a few hours later. And weight loss? Ha - I stepped onto the scale today and I'm down a whopping TWO POUNDS. Which, really, is a good thing I guess. (The husband is really proud of himself, actually.) Just for reference, I comfortably weigh about 117. This year, I just kind of ate whatever I wanted and weighed about 122 the weekend before the surgery, then by surgery day I weighed 125. (We took a little trip to Seattle over the weekend and it was DELICIOUS!) So now I'm "down" to 123. I think this is my body telling me that it will not allow me to do crazy diets to lose weigh. Once, I did the "Lemonade Diet" - which consisted of taking in about 800 calories per day in addition to "flushing" out toxins every day - and after one week I literally lost 2.5 lbs. My friends lost 10. Haha. So, yeah, my body doesn't like when I do crazy shit to it.

Okay, this is me today...

jaw surgery day 4
Do you see that darker area that goes all the way down my chest?
That's a bruise!

Pain: 3-5/10

Numbness: Same. Tingly chin; numb lower gums. 

Discomfort: Still tired. Still can't focus. General throbbing/dull jaw pain.

Weight: -2 lbs

(Black items stayed the same as the last post. RED items changed slightly.) 

Jaw surgery day 4, done. 


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